FHB, HU0000078175

ISIN: HU0000078175 WKN: A0ET25 FHB Mortgage Bank Co Plc.

23.12.2011 - 15:21:01

FHB. is a key actor in the domestic market of mortgage bonds and credits. The Ministry of Finance, and 4 banks, the Magyar Befektetési és Fejlesztési Bank Rt., the Mezobank Rt., the Postabank és Takarékpénztár Rt., and the Pénzintézeti Központ Bank Rt. established the Foldhitel- és Jelzálogank Rt. as the first mortgage credit institution, filling a gap in the Hungarian banking system. The State Financial and Capital Market Supervisory Commission issued the operating permit to the FHB Rt. in March, 1998. It offers HUF, EUR and CHF-based retail housing credit products to its customers (including both its own product developments and the purchase of independent mortgages offered by partner banks). It also disburses direct allowances (building subsidies, tax refund subsidies, subsidies for the elimination of obstacles to disabled persons). Pursuant to its strategy elaborated in 2006, the bank group consists of the following members: FHB Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt. (FHB Commercial Bank) (front office dealings); FHB Szolgáltató Zrt. (FHB Services), FHB Ingatlan Zrt. (FHB Real Estate) (coverage assessment, real estate investment sale, estate management and value appraisal); FHB Életjáradék Ingatlanbefektet? Zrt. (FHB Life Annuity Real Estate Investor) (sale of life annuities and special mortgage constructions for seniors). In August 2007, ÁPV Zrt. (State Privatisation Company) sold ordinary shares representing 50%+1 of the voting rights in the form of an accelerated share offered to international and Hungarian institutional investors. Date of listing on the Hungarian Stock Exchange 24 Nov 2003. Face value 100 HUF.

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